August 26, 2009

My Blog's a Blank

In recent weeks, I have been reminded/hounded/berated/beaten about the head and face regarding the perception that it has been "way too long" since my last posting. To some, I have even made unkept promises of forthcoming amusements pouring from my fingertips. Sorry guys. I pinkie swear that I have racked my little pea brain to come up with a topic worthy of your read. I've got nuthin'! Which is sad because, as we all know, I'm a smart girl. About some things. Most days. All things being relative, of course. Just don't ask me about chemistry.

The few sparks of possible writing material quickly revealed themselves to be either: stupid; not interesting at all; only funny to me; nothing I'd want seen written on the side of a bus; or frankly, none of your damn business.

I do have one actual update to give you. When last we found ourselves in this State, I had been victimized and traumatized by you-know-where. Well, after two morons from the company contacted me to basically tell me 'too bad, so sad for you', I wrote a prolific nastrygram back to the head office. Immediately after my diatribe was passed down the chain of ineffectiveness, I was offered a $25 gift card to you-know-where, to compensate me for the trouble I had encountered. (A new porsche would have been more equitable.) Mind you, I will never shop there again, BUT did enter the store to pick up said free money! And as my good deed that day, promptly turned it over to a charitable organization.

In other news.........there really isn't any.........that I'm ready to share. See, now you're waiting with baited breath, aren't you? Probably not, but whatever.

Seriously, though, I'm going to start making shit up if bouts of literary genious continue to evade me.